Hold Fast

Hold on dear child to all My Word doth say
Hold fast dear child, to keep within the way

Hold on dear child to all My Word doth say
Hold fast dear child, to keep within the way
The Word of God thy only guide and stay
For ‘it’ the world did many a martyr slay

Don’t heed dear child the ‘tempters’ whispered word
He laughs if thou but once his whispers heard
Don’t look if he doth show thee things impure
He would to sin thee call–thee draw–thee lure

Ah child, so much I have reserved for thee
Do not forget thy Heavenly destiny
How can the world be pleasant child to thee
If they did send thy Lord to Calvary?

Take heart dear child, although the masses frown
Hold fast dear child that no-one take thy crown
Remember child, this world is not thy home
You’re passing through–to meet me at the throne.

Jenny Daniel
