The God of the Universe Hearkens to Me

The God of the universe hearkens to me.
A heavenly paradox though it may be,

The God of the universe hearkens to me.
A heavenly paradox though it may be,
By faith I lay hold of this great mystery.

The Maker of all that has ever been made,
Whose majesty, glory, and power won’t fade,
Has promised to hear me and give me His aid.

Though I have no merit His help to inspire,
And nothing with which I could aught from Him hire,
He’s bound by His promise to grant my desire.

He offers in mercy to lend me His ear,
He cares for my sorrows, He marks every tear,
And all my requests He is willing to hear.

My weakness He knows and so mercifully bears,
Yet proves Himself faithful and answers my prayers,
Delivering me from temptations and snares.

In so many troubles He’s heard when I cried;
He tells me my mouth should be opened up wide,
That good things can fill it, which He will provide.

Amazing indeed is this great mystery,
Yet over and over I’ve proved it to be:
The God of the universe hearkens to me!

Nita Brainard

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