The Voice of God

Glory and praise to Jehovah on high!
Glory from all, through the earth and the sky!

Glory and praise to Jehovah on high!
Glory from all, through the earth and the sky!
Angles, approach Him in homage and duty;
Fall at the feet of your Heavenly King:
Saints, to His presence O throng, in the beauty
Of holy devotion His mercies to sing.
Glory and praise to Jehovah on high!
Glory from all through the earth and the sky!

The voice of Jehovah, majestic and loud,
In thunders comes forth from his palace of cloud;
That voice o’er the silence of ocean is breaking;
It rolls o’er the waters, it bursts on the shore:
The forests are bending, the mountains are quaking,
And earth and her creatures stand still and adore.
Glory and praise to Jehovah on high!
Glory from all, through the earth and the sky!

The voice of Jehovah more sweetly is heard
By saints in His temple attending His word.
He speaks not to them in the whirlwind or thunder;
He comes not to threaten, denounce, or reprove:
He comes with glad tidings of joy and of wonder;
He bids them be blest in Immanuel’s love.
Glory and praise to Jehovah on high!
Glory from all, through the earth and the sky!

Henry Francis Lyte

For Music
Psalm xxix.



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