At the Brink of the Day

At the brink of the day, His tender voice
Seemed to whisper unto me,
“I need your limbs, your heart, your mind
To heed me faithfully.

“Not in the halls of fame, dear child,
Nor for the crowd’s applause,
But in the home with all its chores;
Yes, dear, behind closed doors.”

At the brink of the day, when I rush to work
In an alien, godless crowd,
I seem to hear God’s earnest voice
Above the tumult loud.

“I need your light to shine, dear child,
Within your earthly sphere.
Your word, your acts, your attitude
Can bring my presence near.”

At the brink of the day as I rush to school
With my mind on problems bent,
I seem to hear a whispering:

“Your friends at school mission field,
They seek reality,
And you, my child, can show them that
‘Tis only found in Me.”

Jenny Daniel
