At the Judgment Seat

There at the judgment seat of Christ
Will my eyes shed bitter tears
For the souls that I neglected
Down countless wasted years?

Were there questions I avoided?
Were there longings I ignored?
Did I fear mankind’s rejection
And thus deny Thee, Lord?

Ah what bitter sighs and moaning;
Ah what cries for chances lost,
When I see my blessed Saviour
And perceive salvation’s cost.

Thou didst leave the heaven’s glory;
Thou didst suffer, bleed and die.
So that man might be forgiven,
”It  is finished,“ was Thy cry.

And now risen, gone to glory,
Thou dost ask Thy children true
To take up the precious gospel,
Hold it out for Thee anew.

Can we let the lost go swiftly,
Without warning into hell?
Are we faithful in our witness?
Will regret our bosom fill?

Will you take up the commission?
To God’s calling faithful be?
As a light and as a witness,
Impact other’s destiny?

Jenny Daniel
