Who Will Follow Jesus?

Who Will Follow Jesus? Who will follow Jesus, Standing for the right, Who will follow Jesus, Standing for the right,Holding up His banner In the thickest fight?List’ning for His orders, Ready to obey,Who will follow Jesus,Serving Him today? Who will follow Jesus? Who will make reply,“I am on the Lord’s side; Master, here am I”?Who […]

Since I Found My Savior

Since I Found My Savior Life wears a different face to me,Since I found my Savior; Life wears a different face to me,Since I found my Savior;Rich mercy at the cross I see,My dying, living Savior. Golden sunbeams round me play;Jesus turns my night to day;Heaven seems not far away,Since I found my Savior. He […]

Safe in the Shepherd’s Care

Safe in the Shepherd’s Care Though beneath the drifting snow,Summer flow’rs have been laid low, Though beneath the drifting snow,Summer flow’rs have been laid low,I am safe in the tender Shepherd’s care;Tho’ the sunbeams hide away,On the dark and cloudy day,I am safe in the tender Shepherd’s care. Safe, in the tender Shepherd’s care,Safe on […]

Mine, Still Mine

Mine, Still Mine Thro’ scenes of joy or sorrow,Jesus still is mine; Thro’ scenes of joy or sorrow,Jesus still is mine;Thro’ ev’ry new tomorrow,He will still be mine. My Savior faileth never;O how His glories shine,I’ll sing it out forever,He is mine, still mine. Thro’ earthly tribulation,Jesus still is mine;My strength and consolation,He is mine, […]

Give Me Thy Heart

Give Me Thy Heart “Give Me thy heart,” says the Father aboveNo gift so precious to Him as our love; “Give Me thy heart,” says the Father aboveNo gift so precious to Him as our love;Softly He whispers wherever thou art,“Gratefully trust Me and give Me thy heart.” “Give Me thy heart, give me thy […]
