If I Believe

If I believe that Jesus died for me,

Why would I hesitate to live for him?

Should not a life of serving Jesus be

A goal so bright it makes all others dim?

If I believe that Jesus died for all,

And if I’ve read where it is written: go,

How dare I close my hearing to the call

When all the world has need of truth I know?

If I believe that Jesus paid the price

For every debt that can be spoken of

Would it not be a highly shameful vice

To close my mouth and speak not of his love?

If I believe that God desires to save,

And that the gospel charge was meant for me,

How can I watch as sinners fill the grave

Without proclaiming Christ and Calvary?

If I believe that God gave us his Son,

Why would I hesitate to give my best,

To tell in people’s ears what God has done,

And work to rescue souls by sin oppressed?

If I believe that Jesus gave himself

To ransom Adam’s dissipated race,

What shame to leave the gospel on the shelf,

And live a thoughtless life of easy grace!

If truly I believe, then I will speak.

Lord, give me faith to live out your commands.

By grace I can be strong, though I am weak,

And spread the gospel into distant lands.

I do believe and preach the truth I must.

I can’t but speak the things I’ve seen and heard.

The gospel is committed to my trust,

And I will make disciples of the word.

Ezra Brainard, November 2017


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