In Christ

I deserve to feel God’s wrath;

To have it poured on me like wine.

Death and Hell are in my path;

The curse of sin is justly mine.

But in Christ it isn’t so;

I am forgiven, blessed, and free.

God no longer is my foe;

For Christ has paid the price for me.

Christ is all I need,

Christ is all I want,

Christ is all I have,Hallelujah!

But my pardon isn’t all;

I’m bathed in love without an end;

No more wormwood, no more gall:

For God’s my Father, Christ’s my friend.

Holy, blameless here I stand,

According as he’s chosen me,

Folded in my Father’s hand;

Adopted for eternity.

Lowly as my path may be,

I’m rich in Christ and giv’n a place

Heaven is mine assuredly;

I have the earnest of His grace.

I am on the winning side;

For Christ has conquered every foe;

Sin is vanquished, death has died,

I live for Christ has made it so.

Ezra Brainard, May 2015


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