Psalm 23 – Jesus the Good Shepherd Is

Jesus the good Shepherd is;
Jesus died the sheep to save;

Jesus the good Shepherd is;
Jesus died the sheep to save;
He is mine, and I am his;
All I want in him I have,
Life, and health, and rest, and food,
All the plenitude of God.

Jesus loves and guards his own;
Me in verdant pastures feeds;
Makes me quietly lie down,
By the streams of comfort leads:
Following him where’er he goes,
Silent joy my heart o’erflows.

He in sickness makes me whole,
Guides into the paths of peace;
He revives my fainting soul,
Stablishes in righteousness;
Who for me vouchsafed to die,
Loves me still, I know not why!

Unappalled by guilty fear,
Through the mortal vale I go;
My eternal Life is near;
Thee my Life in death I know;
Bless thy chastening, cheering rod,
Die into the arms of God!

Till that welcome hour I see,
Thou before my foes dost feed;
Bidd’st me sit and feast with thee,
Pour’st thy oil upon my head;
Giv’st me all I ask, and more,
Mak’st my cup of joy run o’er.

Love divine shall still embrace,
Love shall keep me to the end;
Surely all my happy days
I shall in thy temple spend,
Till I to thy house remove,
Thy eternal house above!

Psalm xxiii.
