Rest in God’s Will-F.B.Meyer

“…that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”

(Rom. 12:2).

But how may we know God’s will? That is not always easy. Yet the difficulty is not in Him. He does not wish us to grope painfully in the dark. Nay, He is ever giving us many signs and hints as to the way we should take, too delicate to be perceived by the coarse eye of sense, but clear enough to those who are divested of self-will and pride, and only anxious to know and do the holy and acceptable and perfect will of God.

It is a mistake to seek a sign from heaven; to run from counsellor to counsellor; to cast a lot; or to trust to some chance coincidence. Not that God may not reveal His will thus; but because it is hardly the behaviour of a child with its Father. There is a more excellent way. Let the heart be quieted and stilled in the presence of God; weaned from all earthly distractions and worldly ambitions. Let the voice of the Son of God hush into perfect rest the storms that sweep the lake of the inner life, and ruffle its calm surface. Let the whole being be centered on God Himself. And then, remembering that all who lack wisdom are to ask it of God, and that Jesus Christ is already made unto us wisdom, let us quietly appropriate Him, in that capacity, by faith; and then go forward, perhaps not conscious of any increase of wisdom, or able to see far in front; but sure that we shall be guided, as each new step must be taken, or word spoken, or decision made. It is an immense help in any difficulty to say, “I take thee, Lord Jesus, as my wisdom,” and to do the next thing, nothing doubting; assured that He will not permit those who trust in Him to be ashamed.

