Ernest T Wilson Audio Sermons

Shortly after the first world war, and the instability of that time, Ernest T Wilson was deeply burdened about the millions of lost souls in Africa. He had been deeply impressed with the spiritual need of the people in Angola as described by a missionary when he was eighteen years old. He committed his life to serve God there. A few years later, the small working-class assembly in Belfast, commended him, for work there. George Muller’s life had greatly inspired him to place his trust in God and God alone. As a result of this, he never asked anyone for money. God proved faithful as he supplied Wilson and his family’s needs every single day. His ministry was fruitful, despite dangers, challenges and obstacles bringing glory to God.

T Ernest Wilson Sermons Speaker

Ernest T Wilson Audio Sermons

Caleb the Mountaineer - Stanley Banks

Called Unto Liberty Stanley Banks - Dr Stanley Banks

Clean Vessels Stanley Banks - Dr Stanley Banks

Crowning the Lord Stanley Banks - Dr Stanley Banks

God is light - Stanley Banks

God is Love Stanley Banks - Dr Stanley Banks

Gospel of Fullness - Stanley Banks

Gospel of Intimacy - Stanley Banks

Grace - Stanley Banks

He knows the way through the wilderness - Stanley Banks

Isaiah's Message - Stanley Banks

Jacob The Religious Rogue - Stanley Banks

Joel The Prophet of Repentance - Stanley Banks

Legacy Nobody Wanted - Stanley Banks

Personal Sanctification Stanley Banks

Peter the Defective Disciple Stanley Banks

Power from on High Rev Stanley Banks

Relationship to God Stanley Banks

Relationship to the world Stanley Banks

Second Coming Stanley Banks


Shortly after the first world war, and the instability of that time, Ernest T Wilson was deeply burdened about the millions of lost souls in Africa. He had been deeply impressed with the spiritual need of the people in Angola as described by a missionary when he was eighteen years old. He committed his life to serve God there. A few years later, the small working-class assembly in Belfast, commended him, for work there. George Muller’s life had greatly inspired him to place his trust in God and God alone. As a result of this, he never asked anyone for money. God proved faithful as he supplied Wilson and his family’s needs every single day. His ministry was fruitful, despite dangers, challenges and obstacles bringing glory to God.

T Ernest Wilson Sermons Speaker