Matthew 1:18-25
The fear that Joseph, being a just man, might withdraw from their contemplated wedlock, would have filled Mary’s heart with untold anguish had she not been upheld by her faith in God. She felt that He was pledged to vindicate her character. Yield yourself to Him for His purposes and leave Him to deal with any contingent results! He becomes responsible!
That which happened historically must take place experimentally. In each of us Jesus Christ must be born through the direct action of the Holy Spirit. See Galatians 4:1-5. This is what we mean by the new birth; and when He has so entered our hearts, our Lord will become our Savior, not merely from the penalty but from the love and the power of our sins. Claim that this shall be your experience!
Let us seek after that union with God which is the height of blessedness, both in this life and the next, and in virtue of which God becomes the companion of the soul in its earthly pilgrimage. This is the Name of names-Emmanuel. See Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:1-7.

