To Herzog Albrecht of Prussia - Martin Luther

TO HERZOG ALBRECHT OF PRUSSIA Another allusion to Herzog George’s death. June 23, 1539.

Grace and peace in Christ, Serene High-born Prince, most gracious Lord!

Although I have nothing particular to write about, I must thank your Electoral Grace for so kindly inquiring about my health through your ambassador, and thank you for your solicitude in order not to appear ungrateful or rude for your Grace’s constant concern as to my welfare. There is nothing new here except that God has achieved a marvelous work in the death of Herzog George of Saxony; for,

had not God extended His protecting hand, Germany would have been plunged in misery. But now God has given peace, and slain the wicked man with his evil designs, although this striking manifestation of God’s wrath has not converted him of Mainz and other bishops, whose utter ruin no entreaties or calamities can prevent. Ferdinand and the Bavarians are now beginning to persecute the gospel in earnest, otherwise things look peaceful in Germany; but everything has been very dear, although we have now the prospect of a plentiful crop of corn and fruit. God be praised for this, and may He make us grateful. I herewith commit you to the dear God. Amen.

Your Grace’s obedient MARTIN LUTHER . (De Wette.)

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