To Martin Glaser , Priop in Augustinian in Ranzau - Martin Luther


Luther tells his friend of his proposed disputation with Eck over the Pope’s supremacy, which lasted from June 25 till July 15. In June Charles V. was elected Emperor of Germany.

May 30, 1519.

To my beloved friend in the Lord. You, above all, have a good right to marvel, nay, to be offended, most honoured father, that up till now I have not sent you a single line. Although I am not without excuse for thus acting, I shall rather confess my fault. Concerning your horse, I hope, through the mediation of our esteemed vicar, you will have mercy on me. For, without doubt, you presented it to God, and not to me. I was delighted to hear from our vicar that we are soon to have the pleasure of seeing you here again. I fancy you have already heard of my proposed disputation at Leipsic, and other things as well. I am lecturing upon the Psalms for the second time, and with good results. The town is crowded with students, and Rome is longing for my downfall; while I laugh at their malice. I hear that the paper Martin has been publicly burned there, and openly cursed and condemned. I anticipate their wrath. The Epistle to the Galatians is now actually in the press — you will see it in a few days. In other respects we are peaceful and contented here, and not so badly off as formerly. Our Heldt looks after things well, but only kitchen matters, for he is always much concerned as to what he

is to eat and drink, and will continue so. I have read what you wrote me about the tattler M—, but I am used to the sting of envy. The whole world seems to be in motion, both physically and morally, and what the outcome will be God alone knows. I predict murders and wars. God have mercy on us. Farewell, and pray for me.

MARTIN LUTHER. (Schutze, 5:1)

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