To Nicolas von Amsdorf letter 15 - Martin Luther


Luther sends some new exegetical writings. January 11, 1539.

Grace and peace! I have really nothing to say, dear Amsdorf, but could not let the messenger depart without a letter. Much is being said about the Emperor’s arrival. It is amusing to hear the Papacy, that great martyr, boasting in her perilous position of her deliverer. Aleander, not a cheese merchant, like the monks, but a trafficker in kings, is running about taking kings captive. May God render his attempts abortive. Amen. I herewith send the annotations on St. Matthew, a mutilated piece of work, which the printers have very properly printed on torn and stained paper. I send it to you because you always say that you never get anything sent you. I also send you a copy of the exposition of the Song of Solomon. You will perceive that it has been hastily written out by our people, or that I have added notes in a slipshod manner. But our brethren snatch away everything from under our hands. Farewell in the Lord, and pray for me.

MARTIN LUTHER . (Walch, 21. 1464.)

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