To the elector John Frederick letter 10 - Martin Luther


After Herzog George’s death his brother, Herzog Henry, invited Luther, Melanchthon, Jonas, Cruciger, and Myconius to come and further the work in Leipsic. They did so, the two latter remaining for a time. Eventually Cruciger’s daughter married Luther’s son Johannes.

November 4, 1539.

Grace and peace in Christ, Most Serene High-born Prince, most gracious Lord! The Leipsic Town Council has written us begging that Dr. Cruciger may remain, which he has promised to do should we consent, so the Council hopes your Electoral Grace will grant their desire at my request.

We wrote saying we could neither promote nor hinder the matter, so it now lies with your Highness to decide. But as Dr. Caspar knew no other way of protecting himself against this people’s persistent importunity than by referring them to us, he writes that he would far rather be here; and we are certain he could be far more useful here, as there are many more who, by the grace of God, have been trained in our schools who are waiting to be sent out to all lands than there are, or will be, for many a long day in Leipsic. Therefore, feeling sure that Dr. Caspar cannot accomplish as much in Leipsic as in Wittenberg, we think it a pity he should leave so much undone here and achieve so little there, and that little could be as well done by someone not nearly so important; and our university must not be left destitute, especially as I have arranged that Dr. Caspar should fill my place in the theological department after my death. I therefore humbly request (for it all rests with your Electoral Grace) that you will not permit Dr. Caspar to leave Wittenberg, for who knows what God may do shortly. Your Electoral Highness will graciously excuse my expressing my opinion thus freely on this subject. I herewith commit you to the dear God. Amen.


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