Well Done! Good and Faithful Servant

When he had passed through dark Jordan
When he at last saw the Lord

When he had passed through dark Jordan
When he at last saw the Lord
Ah with what reverence and wonder
His heart the Master adored

Earth’s cares had suddenly vanished
Heart-ache was his never more
Weariness he had forgotten
‘Heaven’s bliss’ only in store

For he had followed the Master
Faithful each step of the way
Well done’ resounded in heaven
On his great ‘homecoming’ day

His place can never be taken
No-one can match what he’s done
But can we wish him return here
After his crown he has won?

He’d say earth’s glories are transient
He’d say its joys don’t surpass
Those that are waiting in heaven
With Christ, his Saviour, at last.

Danie Ferreira

Jenny Daniel
