Work and Sleep

My work is like a lion roaring in my ear,

But sleep is like a crocodile a bit too near.

I face the lion like a knight who won’t retreat;

Until the crocodile has pulled me off my feet.

There’s so much work to do that needs attention now;

I need to trade my sleep for work but don’t know how.

The things that must be done are piling in my lap,

But needing sleep gets stronger till I finally nap.

I fall asleep in random places like my chair;

I set my head down on my desk and rest it there.

I get piano key impressions on my head;

From staying up and working till I’m almost dead.

A croc has got my leg; a Lion has my arm.

I can not get away, but stand in great alarm.

I fear the multitude of lions on the shore,

But fear the swamp of  hungry crocs a little more.

Ezra Brainard, November 2012


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