To a Composer - Martin Luther

TO A COMPOSER January 18, 1535.

Grace and peace in Christ! Certainly, my dear, good friend, I have been slow in thanking you for the song you sent and the Vorsdorf apples. But Hieronymus is my witness how often I intended writing, but could get no one to take a letter. Therefore I beg you to forgive me, for I know you wish me well

from your heart, and I feel the same towards you, although it is not always easy to express it. We sing as well as we can at table, and continue afterwards. If we make some mistakes it is not our fault, but that of our skill, which is still very limited, even after going over the air three or four times. But Virgil sings we are not all alike, and we would rather sing it correctly than incorrectly. And even if composers make it first-class, our ideas transcend even that, so we hope you will not take offence if we do our best. My Kathie trusts you will not take this joking amiss, and she sends you kindly greetings. I herewith commend you to God.


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