When I Look at Peter

When I look at Peter,
With his failure public’ly,
It would seem he never
Could have been a test’mony.

After all the Peter
That we read of in God’s word
Swore and denied Jesus,
And the gathered crowd heard.

Then the eager cockerel
Had crowed with lusty lung.
Stirring Peter’s conscience;
His repentance had begun.

Peter was so humbled,
As he gazed in Jesus’ eyes,
He went outside weeping.
For forgiveness, he then cried.

Ah, the tender mercies
Of a tender, loving Lord
That forgave poor Peter!
He was totally restored.

But he’d be more patient
With an erring, stumbling soul;
No more boasting arrogance
No master of control.

Thus though poor old Peter
Had failed hopelessly that day,
His sin was forgiven;
Put behind him on life’s way.

Jenny Daniel


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